Message from CWCA President Michael Quade
Winter is over and summer is finally here. Where has the year gone? It seems just like last week it was 2023.
The past year has handed Caine Woods neighbors more challenges than normal, with the construction of the new townhouses between 142nd and 145th streets and the possibilities of our streets being flooded with overflow parking, plus the day trippers from communities on Route 54.
I encourage all CWCA members to voice their concerns on any and all issues to the Ocean City Mayor and City Council. We must stay strong on these issues to protect our tranquil and peaceful neighborhood.
Also, I invite all CWCA members to attend our monthly board of directors meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Tiburon Condo meeting room.
I’d like to give a special thanks to Dennis, Liz, Tonja, Lloyd and the rest of the CWCA board of directors for assisting me in my first year as president. Your knowledge and guidance are much appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact any board member.
Best wishes to all for a fun, safe and peaceful summer season.