Community Association Ocean City MD Caine Woods


Article I: Name

This organization shall be known as the Caine Woods Community Association, Inc.

Article II: Objective

The Caine Woods Community Association (hereinafter referred to as CWCA) shall be a non-profit organization whose objectives shall be to create and stimulate community interest through business, social and civic activities and areas of mutual concern. CWCA will not participate in any political activities or support.

Article III: Office

The corporate office of CWCA shall be maintained at the home of the President or at such other place as the Board of Directors may designate.

Article IV: Powers

The powers of CWCA shall be:
A. To manage, supervise and control the activities, affairs, property and funds of CWCA.
B. To conduct any business for the benefit of the CWCA membership and follow Roberts Rules of Order.

Article V: Members

A. Persons residing in or owning property within the area of Ocean City, Maryland, from 136th Street north to the Delaware state line and west from Coastal Highway to the Bay, shall be eligible to apply for membership, and upon payment of dues, shall be members.
B. Each membership shall be limited to two voting members, but all immediate family members shall be considered members.
C. General membership meetings shall be held each year on date and place selected by the Board of Directors.
D. There shall be a non-voting associate membership open to businesses. Each membership in this category is subject to board acceptance and rejection/dismissal at any time. Annual fee will be the same as that for regular members. An associate membership will entitle two representatives to attend CWCA events at no cost. Associate members will also be allowed to pay a reduced fee, as set by the board, for ads in the newsletter.

Article VI: Dues

A. The Board of Directors shall fix and determine the amount of the CWCA annual membership dues which shall be payable by October 1.
B. Members failing to pay current dues by November 1 shall automatically lose their membership and shall forfeit privileges thereof until the dues are paid.

Article VII: Board of Directors

A. The administrative body of CWCA shall be the Board of Directors that shall consist of no fewer than 11 and no more than 15 members, including the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and immediate Past President. Directors and officers will assume their posts October 1.

B. The board shall be elected annually by majority of the members present at the general meeting. The two voting members per membership are eligible to serve on the board during any term with full voting rights.

C. The Board of Directors shall have among other inherent powers:

  1. Full administrative and fiscal authority in all matters pertaining to CWCA;
  2. General control and supervision of the conduct of CWCA affairs by all officers and committees;
  3. Full authority to construe and interpret the association’s bylaws, and to define its policies and adopt others not inconsistent with the bylaws.

D. In general, regular meetings of the board shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month except December. The board may opt not to hold a November meeting that clashes with Thanksgiving weekend. Other meetings may be omitted if there is no compelling business to transact, and the recording secretary will notify all board members.

E. The President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors, and at the request of four or more directors upon giving at least one week notice to the Recording Secretary for notification to all Directors.

F. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. This requirement may be waived by authority of these bylaws if the Board must transact business and no quorum is available for two consecutive meetings. After a motion is duly made and seconded, a majority vote of those attending will decide the motion.

G. Failure to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall constitute grounds for removal as a Director by majority vote of the other members of the board.

H. Directors who will be gone for three months or more will be declared ineligible to serve on the Board unless a severe illness is the cause of three or more absences.

I. The President with the approval of the Board may fill the unexpired term of any director.

Article VIII: Officers

A. The executive officers of the CWCA will be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and immediate Past President. They form the Executive Committee of the Board.
B. All officers shall be elected to a term of one year and shall be elected by the CWCA membership at the general membership meeting.
C. The Executive Committee shall have the power to take action between regular meetings on behalf of the Board, subject to Board confirmation.
D. The President and Vice President will not serve more than three consecutive terms in those two offices.

Article IX: Duties of Officers

A. The President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the general membership, Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
  2. Enforce the Bylaws.
  3. Apportion the time and services of the membership to the various committees and other association business;
  4. Have such other powers and duties as normally pertain to a CEO.

B. The Vice President shall:

  1. Assist the President in the conduct of association business and assume the duties of the President when necessary.
  2. Conduct administrative affairs of the association under the authority of the President and in accordance with policies established by the Board.
  3. Undertake such other duties as assigned by the President.

C. The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Attend, record and prepare the minutes of all meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors.
  2. Maintain a list of all Officers and Board Members.
  3. Notify the Officers, Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons of regular and special meetings.
  4. Take the roll at Board of Directors meetings.
  5. Inform the presiding officer whether a quorum is present at any meeting.
  6. With the treasurer, keep an up-to-date membership list that will be used only for CWCA purposes. It is not for sale or lease.
  7. Keep an accurate list of all CWCA owned items and where the items are located. This list will be updated at the beginning of each fiscal year.
  8. Undertake such other duties as assigned by the President.

D. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Have responsibility for receipts and disbursements of all CWCA funds. All checks will be signed by two of these four officers: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer.
  2. Keep accurate records of membership dues paid by each member and make available to the recording secretary each updated list of members.
  3. Deposit all monies in the name of the association in banks designated by the Board of Directors.
  4. Prepare monthly statements for the Board of Directors of the balances on hand, receipts and disbursements.
  5. Offer to the Board, as appropriate, investment options of monies unneeded for immediate expenses
  6. Prepare pertinent tax returns.
  7. The Treasurer’s records of the receipts and disbursements shall be audited annually by the auditing committee.
  8. Undertake such other duties as assigned by the President.

E. The Corresponding Secretary will:

  1. Conduct correspondence of the association under the authority of the President and in accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors.
  2. Read necessary correspondence at meetings and report on other correspondence.
  3. Undertake such other duties as assigned by the President.

Article X: Standing Committees

Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President at the beginning of each fiscal year.
A. Architectural Committee serves as liaison with the city on construction developments and calls attention to vacant lots that have become unsightly.
B. Auditing Committee is responsible for auditing the CWCA books annually, and reports to the board any discrepancies and any recommendations.
C. Beautification Committee plants and maintains seven flower beds in Caine Woods, and works with other special projects under its responsibility.
D. Christmas Caroling/Party Committee secures the transportation for caroling, the hall for the Christmas party, and coordinates the food for the party.
E. Historian keeps all records and correspondence and creates a history of Caine Woods through pictures, stories, etc.
F. Hospitality Committee provides welcome to new residents, provides a collection of gift items when available, explains the purpose of CWCA and invites them to join the association.
G. Membership Committee maintains an up-to-date list of CWCA members and bills those members who fail to pay annual dues by October 1. Other duties include printing labels for the association newsletter and other mailings, and maintains membership attendance lists at general meetings.
H. Neighborhood Watch Committee chairperson obtains block captains as needed and maintains a list of them, and keeps block captains informed of any criminal activity that might be detrimental to the neighborhood. The committee meets as needed and plans National Night Out activities. The chairperson attends scheduled meetings with the Community Services Officer and OCPD Chief.
I. Newsletter chairperson has responsibility for preparing and mailing the CWCA newsletter.
J. Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President. The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of proposed directors and officers that, upon approval by the Board of Directors, shall be presented to the general membership at the general meeting. Nominations from the floor may be made at the general meeting provided that prior consent of the nominee has been received by the Corresponding Secretary ten (10) days in advance.
K. Picnic Committee: Picnic Committee and the President will obtain permission from the Town of Ocean City to use Fiesta Park for the events and request timely grass cutting, insect spraying, extra picnic tables, trash cans and liners, and PA system. The committee will arrange shopping, food preparation, portable toilet, and clean-up. Funding for the picnics comes from CWCA treasury. Subcommittees will assist as needed.
L. Public Relations Committee with guidance of the President provides community news to the public primarily via local media and publicizes special events.
M. Sunshine Committee mails cards to members for illness, sympathy, congratulations, etc.

Article XI: Amendments

A. These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual general meeting.

B. These Bylaws and Amendments thereto shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the members.


These Bylaws were originally written by the 1983-84 officers of the CWCA, and approved by the general membership on May 26, 1984. Bylaw revisions were adopted September 1987, June 1992, June 1995, September 1995, June 1999, June 2000, September 2002, September 2006,August 22, 2007, June 20, 2009 and September 28, 2011.